It’s a windless, mild-weathered day in Tokyo when I meet Robert Kirsch at Sidewalk Stand. As I arrive, he is ordering an Americano and chatting to the girl behind the counter like she’s an old friend. It’s a simple act that he carries out on a near daily basis but the 29-year-old German-Filipino has come to find significant meaning in it…
僕はこの街に生きたいー瞬く様に過ぎていく一日の中に自分が今、世界を生きていることを思うことは難しい。東京に生きているからこそ感じられるスピードに街中で人々が行き交うリズムにRobert Kirschの視線は惹きつけられて止まることがない・・・
I’m a German lifestyle and fashion photographer based in Tokyo…